Setting Up the VR101
Starting EventView
The Site Report window displays the recorder’s
settings and its recorded events.
If the VR101 is not plugged into a power source, an
information box will appear saying “No voltage
detected on recorder. Realtime halted to conserve
power.” Click OK to continue.
2. Remove the optical wand from the recorder.
Setting Thresholds on the Status Tab
The thresholds are in three categories on the Status
tab: Hot to Neutral, Neutral to Ground, and Frequency.
To change any threshold setting, double-click the
setting and then type in the new value.
Voltage Transients
Transients are fast voltage fluctuations (sometimes
called spikes). They can be positive or negative and can
occur on the hot-neutral line or on the neutral-ground
line. The voltage potential of a transient can be quite
large; hundreds of volts is not uncommon. Transients
typically have a duration far below one cycle and can be
detected down to 1 µs.
The recorder will record as a transient any voltage
deviation of less than one cycle that exceeds the
transient threshold for more than 1 µs.
Voltage Swells
Swells are increases in voltage that last at least ½
cycle. Swells can occur on the hot-neutral lines or on
the neutral-ground lines. Typically, swells are in the
order of tens of volts and last from several cycles to
several seconds.