9-60 Command Reference
(@5) means input A prescaled by 2
(@6) means the internal reference
@7) means input A with the variable hysteresis mode (Only PM6680B and PM6681)
If you omit the channel, the instrument measures on input A (@1).
1 The A input is always prescaled by 2 when measuring Frequency A and
prescaled by 1 for all other functions.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.
:MEASure :FREQuency? PM6680B/81/85
[8 [<expected value>[,<resolution>]] [,<(@«1|2|3|4|5|6|7»)>]]
Traditional frequency measurements. The counter uses the <expected value> and
<resolution> to calculate the Measurement Time (:SENSe:ACQuisition:APER
SEND® :MEAS:FREQ? 8 (@3)
READ¬ 1.78112526833E+009
This example measures the frequency at input C.
The channel is expression data and it must be in parentheses ( ).
<expected value> is the expected frequency,
<resolution> is the required resolution.
<(@«1|3|4|5|6|7»)> is the channel to measure on:
(@1) means input A
(@2) means input B (Only PM6680B and PM6681)
(@3) means input C (HF-input option)
(@4) means input E (Rear panel arming input)