9-56 Command Reference
:MEASure :<Measuring Function>? PM6680B/81/85
[8 [<parameters>][ ,(<channels>)]]
Make one measurement
The measure query makes a complete measurement, including configuration and
readout of data. Use measure when you can accept the generic measurement
without fine tuning.
When a CONFigure command or MEASure? query is issued, all counter settings
are set to the *RST settings., except those specified as <parameters> and
<channels> in the CONFigure command or MEASure? query.
You cannot use the :MEASure? query for :TOTalize:CONTinuous, since this
function measures without stopping (continuously forever).
The :MEASure? query is a compound query identical to:
<Measuring Function>, <Parameters> and <Channels> are defined on page 9-54.
You may omit <parameters> and <Channels>, which are then set to default.
Returned format: <data>¿
Where: The format of the returned data is determined by the format commands: :FORMat and
SEND® :MEAS:FREQ? 8 (@3)
READ¬ 1.78112526833E+009
This example measures the frequency on the C-input and outputs the result to the
Type of command: Aborts all previous measurement commands if *WAI is not used.
See also: ‘Explanations of the Measuring Functions’ starting on page 9-59.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.