3.13 Real-Time Clock
The real-time clock keeps track of the current date and time. The date and time
are stamped on acquired waveforms to be sent to a computer or to be output to
a hardcopy device. The time of stamping is also the time of the acquisition trigger.
The SYSTem:TIME command sets the time in hours, minutes, and seconds. Only
a 24-hours time format is supported. The format of the displayed time cannot be
The SYSTem:DATE command sets the date in years, months, and days.
CALL Send(0, 8, "SYSTem:TIME 14,25,36", 1)
Sets the time to 25 minutes and 36
seconds past 2 o'clock in the
CALL Send(0, 8, "SYSTem:DATE 1993,12,15", 1)
Sets the date to 15 december 1993.
3.14 Auto Calibration
Calibration is only possible when the CombiScope instrument is warmed up. The
instrument data is calibrated automatically by sending the
CAL? or the
CALibration? query. The internal calibration lasts several minutes. A "0" result is
returned after correct calibration, and a "1" result is returned when the calibration
failed. Notice that the response to the calibration query is only returned when the
calibration has completed.
During the calibration process bit 0 "Calibrating" is set in the operation status
condition register. This bit cannot be read during the execution of the
CAL? or
CALibration? query, because these queries are sequential commands. This bit
can be read after sending the CALibration command, which is an overlapped
command. The completion of the CALibration command is reported in the
standard Event Status Register (ESR) bit 0 (OPC bit set to 1). When the
calibration is finished, bit 8 in the QUEStionable status reports a possible
calibration error (if set to 1).
Note: Execute calibration only when it is needed, e.g., when a message on the
screen of your CombiScope instrument requests to do so.