Query form:
0 | 1
The CALibration command performs an automatic internal self-calibration. No
external means or operator interface is needed. The CALibration command is an
overlapped command, which means that during calibration the "Calibrating" bit (0)
in the OPERation status can be read to check whether calibration has finished or
not. If bit 0 = 0, calibration has finished. If bit 0 = 1, calibration is still busy. A
possible calibration error is reported via bit 8 in the QUEStionable status. If bit 8
= 0, calibration was successful. If bit 8 = 1, calibration went wrong.
The CALibration? query performs an automatic internal self-calibration and
reports the result of that calibration. Also no external means or operator interface
is needed. The response indicates whether or not the instrument completed the
self-calibration without error. A response of 0 indicates that the calibration
executed successfully. A response of 1 indicates that the calibration was not
successful. The CALibration? query is the equivalent of the
CAL? query.
The calibration process lasts a couple of minutes. During this time bit 0 in the
OPERation status is set, indicating that calibration is busy. This status information
can only be requested, if the calibration was started via the CALibration
command. This is because the CALibration? query is a sequential command. So,
the next command or query in the same program message is not executed until
the calibration process is completed. Until then, no response to the next query is