via the serial interface are immediately echoed or transmitted back to the device
of origin. With half duplex the commands are executed but not echoed. The du
plex mode parameter is indicated by,
dUPL Serial duplex mode parameter
Press “SET” to access the mode setting
d=FULL Current duplex mode setting
The mode may be changed using “UP” or DOWN” and pressing “SET”.
d=HALF New duplex mode setting
8.11.4 Linefeed
The final parameter in the serial interface menu is the linefeed mode. This pa
rameter enables (on) or disables (off) transmission of a linefeed character (LF,
ASCII 10) after transmission of any carriage-return. The linefeed parameter is
indicated by,
LF Serial linefeed parameter
Press “SET” to access the linefeed parameter.
LF=On Current linefeed setting
The mode may be changed using “UP” or “DOWN” and pressing “SET”.
LF=OFF New linefeed setting
8.12 Calibration Parameters
The operator of the 9150 has access to the furnace calibration constants. These
values are set at the factory and must not be altered. The correct values are im
portant to the accuracy and proper and safe operation of the furnace. Access to
these parameters is available to the user only so that in the event the controller
memory fails, the user may restore these values to the factory settings. The user
should have a list of these constants and their settings with the manual.
CAUTION: DO NOT change the values of the furnace calibration con
stants from the factory set values. The correct settings of these parameters
is important to the safety and proper operation of the furnace.
The calibration parameters menu is indicated by,
9150 Portable Furnace
User’s Guide