bration parameters. The groups are selected using the “UP” and “DOWN” keys
8.10 Operating Parameters
The operating parameters menu is indicated by:
Par Operating parameters menu
Press “SET” to enter the menu. The operating parameters menu contains the
HL (High Limit) parameter, the Soft Cutout parameter, and the Cutout Reset
Mode parameter.
8.10.1 High Limit
The HL parameter adjusts the upper set-point temperature. The factory default
and maximum are set to 1200. For safety, a user can adjust the HL down so the
maximum temperature set-point is restricted.
HL High Limit parameter
Press “SET” to enable adjustment of HL.
Access High Limit
1200 Flashes the current value and then displays the value for
1200.0 Current HL setting
Adjust the HL parameter digit by digit using “UP”, “DOWN”, and “SET” as
each digit flashes.
1005.9 New HL setting
Press “SET” to accept the new temperature limit.
8.10.2 Soft Cutout
The Soft Cutout parameter is used by the controller to shut the unit down dur
ing over-temperature conditions.
SoFtCo Soft Cutout parameter
Press “SET” to enable adjustments of the Soft Cutout.
Access Soft Cutout
8 Controller Operation
Operating Parameters