MO295-en-GB_1.7 3/15
Use extreme caution when the laser pointer beam is on
Do not point the beam toward anyone's eye or allow the beam to
strike the eye from a reflective surface
Do not use the laser near explosive gases or in other potentially
explosive areas
Quickly indicates the moisture content of materials with Pinless technology without damaging
the surface;
Optional remote Pin-type probe (MO290-P) allows for moisture readings at different
penetration levels (3ft/0.9m cable length);
Easy to read, large dual display with backlit feature;
Simultaneously displays % moisture of wood or material being tested and Air Temperature, IR
Temperature, or Humidity
Designed with IR design to measure non-contact surface temperature; 8:1 distance to spot
ratio with 0.95 fixed emissivity
Built-in Humidity/Temperature probe measures Relative Humidity,
Air Temperature plus Grains Per Pound (GPP) and Dew Point (DP)
Ambient and Surface Vapor Pressure
Automatic calculation of differential Temperature (IR - DP)
Min/Max and Data Hold
20 point internal memory
Auto power off and low battery indication
Battery Replacement
1. Turn off the meter.
2. Remove one Philips head screw and lift off the rear battery cover.
3. Replace the 9V battery.
4. Secure the rear battery cover.
o Neverdisposeofbatteriesinafire.Batteriesmayexplodeorleak.
o Nevermixbatterytypes.Alwaysinstallnewbatteriesofthesametype.