MO270-EU-EN v2.3 5/14
Initial Setup and Battery Charging
Getting Started
1. Charge the Sensor and the Analyzer batteries if necessary (refer to the ‘Charging the
Batteries’ section below). The battery icons on the upper right corner of the display provide
battery status for the Analyzer and the Sensor units.
2. Make sure that both slide switches are in the ON position before proceeding. (see page 4)
3. To switch the analyzer ON, press and hold the power button for 3 seconds; the
navigation buttons will illuminate, the speaker will chirp, and the display will switch ON.
4. To power OFF, press and hold the power button for 3 seconds.
5. The F1, F2 and F3 buttons are ‘soft keys’; their functions change with the specific mode or
screen that is active.
6. The ▲, ►, ▼ and ◄ buttons are used to navigate the menu selections.
7. The center ENTER button is used to select the highlighted menu function and for
accessing the setup mode (by pressing and holding).
Charging the Batteries
1. Charging the batteries using an AC outlet
Connect the USB cable between the mini-USB port on the Analyzer and an AC outlet.
Charging will begin immediately. Both components must be set to the ON position.
Note: connecting to the Analyzer’s USB port charges both the Analyzer and the Sensor
units simultaneously (while they are physically connected to each other).
2. Charging the batteries using a PC USB port
a. Connect the USB cable between the mini-USB port on the Analyzer and a USB port
on the PC. Both components must be set to the ON position.
Note: connecting to the Analyzer’s USB port, charges both the Analyzer and the
Sensor simultaneously (while they are physically connected to each other).
b. Switch the Analyzer ON using the power button (hold it for 3 seconds) and the menu
show directly below will appear.
PC CAM (reserved for future use)
Disk Drive (meter behaves essentially as an external hard drive where stored
readings in memory can be viewed and organized)
Charger (selected when connection to PC is to be used for charging purposes)
Note: The PC may return a driver error when the CHARGER option is selected as a
result of the PC sensing a new device connection; this can be ignored; the charging
process will not be affected.
3. Checking Battery Status
When ‘CHARGER’ is selected from the menu as discussed above (with the meter connected
to the PC), the battery icons will animate in a rising and falling motion indicating that
charging is taking place. To check the battery status, the meter must be disconnected from
the PC. Once disconnected, the display will show the two battery icons in the upper right.
The (Analyzer) and (Sensor) icons will be completely filled when the batteries are fully
charged and progressively emptier as the batteries weaken.