MO270-EU-EN v2.3 5/14
Downloading stored memory data to your PC
Turn OFF the MO270 meter
Connect the USB cable to the Display Analyzer portion of the meter.
Switch the Analyzer ON using the power button (hold it for 3 seconds) and the menu
show directly below will appear.
Using the arrow keys, select the Disk Drive setting and press .
The PC should now be able to see the data in the memory, similar as when viewing data
on a digital camera.
Navigate to the Text files and Copy the files to your PC.
Unplug the USB cable
Calibration Verification
Calibration Zero Check for Pinless Mode
1. Switch the analyzer to the Pinless mode of operation (REL mode) from the F1-MENU. The box
at the upper left will either be labeled WME or REL. Use the ENTER button to toggle WME and
REL modes.
2. Switch the meter OFF.
3. Ensure that the analyzer is not near any objects or surfaces. Hold the analyzer near the bottom
to avoid contact with the pinless sensor.
4. Switch the meter ON.
5. The display should read zero.
6. If an error is displayed or if the analyzer reads other than zero, please return the unit for
Calibration Check for Pin Mode
1. Switch the analyzer to the Pin mode (WME) from the F1-MENU. Use the ENTER key to toggle
REL and WME.
2. The three calibration check points are located in the holes at the top of the protective cap.
3. The first measurement is made by connecting to the two test points labeled ‘L’ (for LOW) with
the meter’s pins. The display should read between 17.0 and 19.0
4. The second measurement is made by connecting to the two test points labeled ‘H’ (for HIGH).
The display should read between 60.0 and 85.0.
5. If the readings are not correct and the batteries are fully charged, return the analyzer for