Modifications (“mods”) are upgrades for your vehicles. You can earn these by finishing 1st
or 2nd in events. Once you have gained a mod, you can apply it to your vehicle through the
modification option on EasyDrive.
Available mods include engine upgrades, tires for grip, aero packages, even improvement to
the strength of your car’s chassis, all of which are designed to help you achieve the top spot on
the Most Wanted list.
Want to know what the mod will do? The display here will show the stats of your current car
with or without the mods so you can choose a package that suits you.
pro MoDs
These special Pro mods are only available to the most dedicated of street racers, the ultimate
upgrades available to Fairhaven’s racing community. Master the streets, demolish those times,
and claim these Most Wanted mods.
In the Single Player game, Pro mods have to be unlocked for each car individually. In
Multiplayer, when you complete a Pro Driver Milestone for driving with a particular type of mod,
all mods of that type are upgraded to Pro for all cars.
Fairhaven, home to the hottest driving action on the planet and with Multiplayer, it only gets
hotter online.
In Multiplayer, you start at SpeedLevel 1 with a set of specially selected preset cars; these
are hand-tuned with a fixed set of preset mods to get you straight into the action. Hit higher
SpeedLevels and you will unlock more cars that can be customized. If you want to change your
ride in the game, bring up EasyDrive and select Change Car.
Online gameplay is served up in SpeedLists – sets of five events designed to challenge even
the best of drivers. From Speed Tests to Races to Team Races and Challenges, every event in
the SpeedList starts with a Meet Up. Drive to the Meet Up on the map and drive fast – whoever
gets there first gets a Speed Points bonus. If you’re ever stuck, then check the Ticker at the
bottom of the screen. It’s always there telling you what to do next.
Ready to go?
spEED lEvEl
Your Multiplayer SpeedLevel determines how much you’ve unlocked to play with. As you go up
from SpeedLevel 1 to 70 you’ll unlock more cars, Milestone Lists, Sweet Revenge Awards and
License Plates.
The number of Speed Points you have determines your Multiplayer SpeedLevel. So if you have
played the Single Player game and earned some Speed Points, the next time you return to
Multiplayer, you’ll find your SpeedLevel has increased and unlocked even more cool stuff to
play with online.
nEED For spEED
A pre-selected set of cars for you to drive in Multiplayer. These preset cars can be identified
by the icon next to their name in EasyDrive. These cars come with a fixed set of mods
designed to get you into online play and cannot be customized.
custoM cars
Once you reach SpeedLevel 2, you’ll start unlocking cars that you will be able to customize.
Each is unlocked with Stock components and a basic paint job.
To unlock mods to customize these cars, open up Customize Car in EasyDrive and check out
the Milestones that are available. Complete the Milestone and the mod will be yours to equip to
that car using the options in EasyDrive.
tip: Once you’ve unlocked a Milestone for a car, progress towards that Milestone still counts
if you’re driving the Need for Speed version of the same car.
Every car has a list of Milestones for you to achieve. Reaching these Milestones will unlock
mods and paint for your car. To unlock further mods for your car, complete the mod
Milestones. These will require you to complete a Milestone with a mod you have already
unlocked equipped to the car.
MilEstonE lists
As you get to higher SpeedLevels, lists of additional Milestones will be unlocked. Complete
these for Speed Point rewards, collectible License Plates and Pro mods.
These Milestone Lists and your progress to completing the Milestones they contain can be
viewed in the Milestone Lists section of Driver Details.
puBlic gaME
Online Multiplayer where SpeedLists are served up automatically and everyone competes to be
the Highest Scoring Player.
FriEnDs gaME
Online Multiplayer between invited players, where players can join up to drive Fairhaven
together. Once players are together in a Friends Game, the player that set up the game can
then opt to: take the group of players who have joined up together into a Public Game, serve up
their own Custom SpeedLists, or kick off automatically served Criterion SpeedLists using the
options that are available to them in EasyDrive.
SpeedLists are the heart of Multiplayer – a specially selected set of five events that are played
back-to-back. The objective of a SpeedList is to finish the SpeedList as the Highest Scoring
Player by earning more Speed Points than anyone else.