This guide doesn’t just show the streets of Fairhaven. Find a Billboard, discover a Bodyshop, or
crash though a Security Gate, and it will be shown on your map.
The more you explore the more you’ll discover, and everything you find will appear here along
with its SpeedWall challenge.
Your map will also show you all the events you can compete in, with every car you discover
opening up more opportunities. Simply select an event and you can jump straight to it, or
display a route to reach it.
Map syMBols
Want to locate the nearest Speed Camera? Wondering where the closest Billboard is located?
Then select the view you want to see on the map.
Your heads up display (HUD) includes a GPS driven mini-map and is capable of displaying all
known race routes used in Fairhaven. The mini-map shows your current route, pursuing police
units, and allows you to plan your escape.
This modified police kit will also display the radius you must escape in order to evade the
police and enter Cooldown.
The nemesis of Fairhaven’s street racers, the Fairhaven Police Department has an array of
different vehicles and tactics designed to take you down and end your race. You won’t be able
to make your name without encountering the cops, and when you do, they will go all out to
stop you.
hE at
HEAT is the system the FPD uses to prioritize pursuits in Fairhaven. The higher the HEAT level,
the more police units and tactics will be deployed to bring a pursuit to an end.
Taking down vehicles, speeding, and remaining in a pursuit all increase your HEAT level,
making your escape more difficult. Staying out of sight will cause your HEAT level to decrease.
Dis patch
Dispatch is the coordinating voice of the FPD. The police dispatch team gives the FPD’s mobile
units their orders, intel and directions.
patrol cars
The Crown Victoria is used by police forces across America. Combining speed, durability, and
reliability, these Patrol cars are the frontline against street racers. Patrol cops have Lemur,
Charlie, and Echo call signs.
hi ghWay
Highway cars are upgraded Patrol cars especially modified to handle pursuits. Tougher,
faster, and with advanced drivers at the wheel, these units will be called out if their Patrol car
colleagues hit trouble. You are that trouble.
Interceptors are the fastest units in the FPD’s garage. Light, nimble, speedy Chevrolet Corvettes
crewed by highly skilled drivers; these Interceptors are almost impossible to escape through
pure speed alone. All Interceptors use ‘Indigo’ call signs.
The FPD’s heavy hitters; these specially designed Ford Interceptor SUVs are brought in to
takedown street racers who just won’t stop for Patrol Cars. Rhino cops use ‘Romeo’ call signs.
tactical units
Large, armored police response vehicles; these mobile roadblocks are impossible to takedown.
When a pursuit goes on long enough, the police will mobilize these units to make roadblocks,
close side roads and reduce your escape options.
Used to contain suspects, police roadblocks can be evaded or taken down. Try to avoid hitting
cars around the engine blocks where they are the heaviest, watch out for spikestrips, and if
you see a tactical roadblock, evade – these bad boys can’t be taken down.
A chained set of spikes in a plastic cover; these devices puncture tires, slowing vehicles
and making them hard to control. Deployed manually across roadblocks, or dropped from
intercepting police vehicles, spikestrips have been the end of many street racers.