
1 - 2 General Information
1.2.3 Automatic Drain Valves
As previously stated, the accumulated water and oil mix-
ture collected by a prefilter must be periodically drained
from the prefilter housing sump. A Deltech Automatic Drain
Valve is a recommended and reliable means of removing
collected moisture, oil and sludge from coalescing prefilter
housings and other components requiring periodic draining.
1.2.4 Afterfilter Assembly
The Deltech D-Series Particulate Afterfilter Assembly is
another feature offered. Even under the most ideal condi-
tions, all regenerative type desiccant dryers tend to gener-
ate small quantities of micron-sized desiccant dust par-
ticles. This highly abrasive contaminant can erode instru-
ments, valve seats, air cylinders and pneumatic tools. A
Deltech D-Series Particulate Afterfilter Assembly installed
downstream of your desiccant dryer will remove desiccant
dust, pipe scale and other harmful particulates before the
gas stream continues to points-of-use.