4 - 16 Maintenance and Repair
4.11 3" Purge Exhaust
Switching Valve Maintenance
(Model LS1500 only)
Ensure that the dryer is de-energized, valve isolated,
and fully depressurized before attempting to remove
or disassemble any dryer component or subassem-
bly. Failure to do so may result in serious personal
injury and/or equipment damage.
Note: Removal of valve body [18] from the dryer manifold
is not required unless replacement of O-rings [19] or valve
body is necessary.
Note: Exploded view illustrates one-half of exhaust
switching valve only. Disassembly of opposite half (not
shown exploded), is identical.
1. Clean and inspect all valve hardware upon disassem-
bly. Replace all software and any hardware which
appears damaged or abnormally worn.
2. Clean and inspect valve seat located inside the valve
body [18]. As previously noted, this can be accom-
plished without removing the valve body [18] from the
dryer manifold.
3. Apply an ultra-thin film of O-ring lubricant to items [3],
[6], [8], [12], [14] and [19] before reassembly.
4. Apply a light coat of lubricant to the sockethead cap
screws, items (1) and (20). Hand tighten screws until
snug. Torque item (1) to 20 ft-lbs, and item (20) to
45 ft-lbs.
3" Switching Valve Components
Item Description Total
1 Sockethead Cap Screw 8
2 Valve Cover 2
3 O-Ring 2
4 Bonnet Cylinder 2
5 Locknut 2
6 Piston Seal 2
7 Valve Piston 2
8 O-Ring 4
9 Poppet Shaft 2
10 Rod Seal 4
11 Guide Sleeve 2
12 O-Ring 2
13 Valve Bonnet 2
14 O-Ring 2
15 Rod Scraper 2
16 Valve Poppet 2
17 Machined Bolt 2
18 Valve Body 1
19 O-Ring 2
20 Sockethead Cap Screw 4