
39 | Configuring a Stateful HA Pair
•The Election Delay Time can be used to specify an
amount of time the appliance will wait to consider an
interface up and stable before one of them takes the
primary role. This is useful when dealing with switch ports
that have a spanning-tree delay set
•The Dynamic Route Hold-Down Time setting is used
when a failover occurs on a HA pair that is using either
RIP or OSPF dynamic routing. When a failover occurs,
Dynamic Route Hold-Down Time is the number of
seconds the newly-active appliance keeps the dynamic
routes it had previously learned in its route table. During
this time, the newly-active appliance relearns the
dynamic routes in the network. When the Dynamic
Route Hold-Down Time duration expires, it deletes the
old routes and implements the new routes it has learned
from RIP or OSPF. The default value is 45 seconds. In
large or complex networks, a larger value may improve
network stability during a failover.
10. Click the Include Certificates/Keys checkbox to have the
appliances synchronize all certificates and keys.
11. Click Synchronize Settings to synchronize the settings
between the primary and secondary appliances.
12. Click Synchronize Firmware if you previously uploaded
new firmware to your Primary unit while the Secondary unit
was offline, and it is now online and ready to upgrade to the
new firmware. Synchronize Firmware is typically used
after taking your Secondary appliance offline while you test
a new firmware version on the Primary unit before
upgrading both units to it.
13. Click Accept to retain the settings on this screen.
Configuring HA Monitoring Settings
After configuring the HA settings, you need to configure the
Monitoring settings for the LAN or WAN.This includes
configuring unique IP addresses for each appliance in the
Stateful HA pair. You will need to log into the appliances using
these IP addresses in order to complete the registration
process from within SonicOS, which will allow license sharing
and synchronization.
Navigate to the High Availability > Monitoring page to
configure the Monitoring settings.
1. Click the Configure icon of the Interface for which you
want to edit settings. The Edit HA Monitoring dialog box
2. In the Primary IP Address field, enter the unique LAN or
WAN management IP address of the Primary appliance.