The tcpdump command has a finite run process. When you enable the tcpdump command, it runs until
the capture-duration timer and/or the packet-count counter threshold is met. If you do not set a
threshold, the system uses a default of a 5 minute capture-duration and/or a single 1k file as the stopping
point for the dump.
You can use the capture-duration timer and the packet-count counter at the same time. The TCP dump
stops when the first of the thresholds is met. That means that even if the duration timer is 9000 seconds,
if the maximum file count parameter is met first, the dumps stop.
To enable a TCP dump, use the following command.
• Enable a TCP dump for CPU bound traffic.
tcpdump cp [capture-duration time | filter expression | max-file-count value
| packet-count value | snap-length value | write-to path]
Enabling Buffer Statistics Tracking
You can enable the tracking of statistical values of buffer spaces at a global level. The buffer statistics
tracking utility operates in the max use count mode that enables the collection of maximum values of
To configure the buffer statistics tracking utility, perform the following step:
Enable the buffer statistics tracking utility and enter the Buffer Statistics Snapshot configuration
Dell(conf)#no disable
You must enable this utility to be able to configure the parameters for buffer statistics tracking. By
default, buffer statistics tracking is disabled.
Debugging and Diagnostics