
show hardware stack-unit {0-5} cpu party-bus statistics
View the ingress and egress internal packet-drop counters, MAC counters drop, and FP packet drops
for the stack unit on per port basis.
EXEC Privilege mode
show hardware stack-unit {0-5} drops unit {0-0} port {33–56}
This view helps identifying the stack unit/port pipe/port that may experience internal drops.
View the input and output statistics for a stack-port interface.
EXEC Privilege mode
show hardware stack-unit {0-5} stack-port {33–56}
View the counters in the field processors of the stack unit.
EXEC Privilege mode
show hardware stack-unit {0-5} unit {0-0} counters
View the details of the FP Devices and Hi gig ports on the stack-unit.
EXEC Privilege mode
show hardware stack-unit {0-5} unit {0-0} details
Execute a specified bShell command from the CLI without going into the bShell.
EXEC Privilege mode
show hardware stack-unit {0-5} unit {0-0} execute-shell-cmd {command}
View the Multicast IPMC replication table from the bShell.
EXEC Privilege mode
show hardware stack-unit {0-5} unit {0-0} ipmc-replication
View the internal statistics for each port-pipe (unit) on per port basis.
EXEC Privilege mode
show hardware stack-unit {0-5} unit {0-0} port-stats [detail]
View the stack-unit internal registers for each port-pipe.
EXEC Privilege mode
show hardware stack-unit {0-5} unit {0-0} register
View the tables from the bShell through the CLI without going into the bShell.
EXEC Privilege mode
show hardware stack-unit {0-5} unit {0-0} table-dump {table name}
Enabling Environmental Monitoring
The MXL switch components use environmental monitoring hardware to detect transmit power readings,
receive power readings, and temperature updates.
To receive periodic power updates, you must enable the following command.
Enable environmental monitoring.
enable optic-info-update interval
Debugging and Diagnostics