CRESTRON CNTV Cresnet Television Control Unit
15 DOC. 8105B
Test Digital Inputs
Depressing "1" from the MRMT11 VersiPort Test Menu opens the MRMT11 VersiPort Digital
Input Test Menu which appears on the screen as six lines of text.
MRMT11 VersiPort Digital Input Test Menu
1 - VersiPort 1
2 - VersiPort 2
3 - VersiPort 3
4 - VersiPort 4
0 - Return to previous menu
To initiate the VersiPort Digital Input Test for each pin in the DIGITAL IN/OUT port, depress the
corresponding menu number. For example, to test pin 1, depress 1 on the keyboard.
The MRMT11 VersiPort Digital Input Test begins by the PC prompting the user to depress the
space bar to initialize the test. As long as the VersiPort is detecting an active signal, an asterisk
(*) appears on the screen every quarter second. If the VersiPort is not detecting an active
signal, a dash (-) appears on the screen at quarter second intervals. An active signal is defined
by a contact closure to ground or TTL logic "0". Inactive signals are defined as open or TTL logic
"1". To end the test, depress the space bar.
Read Analog Inputs
Depressing "2" from the MRMT11 VersiPort Test Menu opens the MRMT11 VersiPort Display
Analog Input Menu which appears on the screen as six lines of text.
MRMT11 VersiPort Display Analog Input Menu
1 - VersiPort 1
2 - VersiPort 2
3 - VersiPort 3
4 - VersiPort 4
0 - Return to previous menu
To initiate a reading of the VersiPort Analog Input for each pin in the DIGITAL IN/OUT port,
depress the corresponding menu number. For example, to test pin 1, depress 1 on the keyboard.
The MRMT11 VersiPort Display Analog Input begins by the PC prompting the user to depress
the space bar to initialize the reading. The actual value read from the VersiPort is displayed on
the screen every quarter second. Acceptable input levels range between 0 and 5 volts or
contact closure (equivalent to logic "0"). Readings are provided in a two-digit hexadecimal
format. The values range from 00 to FF which corresponds to 0 to 5 volts (e.g., 40 is equivalent
to 1.25 volts, 80 is equivalent to 2.50 volts, etc.). To end the test, depress the space bar.
Set Analog Input Thresholds
Depressing "3" from the MRMT11 VersiPort Test Menu opens the MRMT11 VersiPort Set
Analog Threshold Menu which appears on the screen as six lines of text.