CRESTRON CNTV Cresnet Television Control Unit
7 DOC. 8105B
IR Probe Placement
Place a MRIRP over the IR window on a television or other equipment to be controlled. MRIRP must
completely cover IR window and other extraneous light should be blocked with opaque tape. Turn the TV
on manually. If the TV does not respond to "MUTE" or "VOLUME" commands from the transmitter or
wired panel, change the position of the MRIRP.
Preparation for Use
The CNTV should be powered from a 12 VDC power pack. Obtaining power from the
power pack and the network does not result in damage to the unit. If system design
prevents use of power pack (i.e., absence of AC outlet) contact a Crestron technical
support representative for power alternatives.
Crestron recommends specific power packs for its network devices. The recommended power pack for
the CNTV is Crestron part number PW-1205. If an external power pack other than this Crestron model is
obtained, verify that it meets the required specifications and polarity as shown in table 3.
Table 3. DC Power Pack Specifications
PW-1205 120VAC 60Hz 18W 12VDC 500mA
DC Power Pack Polarity
Refer to figure 5 for a typical hook-up diagram of the CNTV within a Cresnet system. Connecting cables
and hardware are not supplied with the unit, due to variations of installation requirements. Crestron
recommends that wall jacks with an RJ11 (6-6) receptacle be located in the room with a CNTV. Use a
telephone cable of appropriate length to connect the CNTV to the wall jack. Wire a Cresnet cable to the
four terminals at the rear of the wall jack.
The modular NET port on the CNTV requires unique wiring. Wiring the port according to
Crestron Network Modular Cable Requirements (latest version of Doc. 5682) will
result in damage to the CNTV.
Due to the wire order within the cable, the connecting color scheme is non-standard and illustrated in
Detail A of Figure 5. Local power is provided, so the fourth wire (+24V) is not needed. If a wall jack
connection is not an option, Detail A also illustrates a direct to Cresnet alternative. Detail B provides a
detailed illustration of the communication cable required if a wired panel is employed as an interface.