Changethesparkplugevery100hoursof operationor
onceeachyear,whichevercomesfirst. This willhelp
yourengine to start easier and run better. Replace with
Champion RJ-8C or equivalent type spark plug. Set
spark pluggap 0.030 inch (0.76ram).
SET PLUG GAP AT 0.030 inch
(0.76 mm)
Your engine willnot run properlyand may be damaged if
you runit using a dirty air cleaner.
Clean or replace the air cleaner once every 25 hoursof
operation or once each year, whichever comes first.
Clean or replace more often if operating under dirty or
dusty conditions. Replacements are available at your
local Sears Authorized Service Center.
To clean or replacethe air cleaner,follow these steps:
• Loosen screw.
• Remove air cleaner cover carefully,The screw will
stay with the cover.
Remove the air filter and examine it for damage,
To servicethe paper air filter clean it by tappingit
gently on a flat surface. If very dirty or damaged,
replace the air filter. DO NOT oil the air filter.
Reassmble all parts and fasten securely to the
engine with the screw.