You have assembledyour high pressure washer and
have prepared the engine for starting. You are now ready
to clean yourcar, boat or the outside of a buildingor
whatever you plan to clean:
The best way to start your engine-powered pressure
washer for the first time is to follow these instructions
step-by-step. This startinginformationalso applies when-
ever you startthe engine after you have let the pressure
washer sitidle for at least a day.
Place the pressure washer in an area close enough to
an outsidewater source that can flow at a rate of 3
gallonsper minute. Connect a garden hose to the
water spout.
• Check that the highpressure hose istightlyconnected
to the spray gun and to the pump. See ASSEMBLY
sectionfor illustrations.
• Connect the garden hose to water inletopening on
the pressurewasher pump and turn ON the water.
Check inlet screen If
screen is damaged
DO not connect water.
tion (see Page 8).
• Remove the wand extension and squeeze the trigger
to purge pump system of air and impurities.
• Reconnectthe wand extension
Note: After reconnectingthe wand extension,you may
need to squeeze triggeragain on pressure washer wand
to relievethe air pressurecaused by water inlet supply.
Water willspew out of the gun in a thin stream. This will
make iteasier to pullstartthe engine.
• Engage safety latch on spray gun to the ON position.
Thisdisables the triggerso you cannot inadvertently
actuate a highpressurespray.
• Turn the pressurecontrol knobcounterclockwisetwo
turnsfrom maximum pressure (see Page 7).
• Grasp the starter gripand pull slowlyuntilyou feel
resistance.Then pullrapidlyup to two (2) times.
• When engine starts,move the ThrottleControl Lever
to the FAST position. Ifengine fails to start, press the
triggerto relieve the pressure, set the Throttle Control
Lever to FAST position,then pull starter handle slowly
untilyou againfeel resistanceand then pull up to two
(2) times rapidly.
• Allow engine to run for two minutesbefore using.
• Once engine has started, place Safety Latch in the
OFF position.
IMPORTANT: An internalthermal reliefvalve has a maxi-
mumtemperature setting of 140°F (60°C). If you runthe
pumpfor 5 minuteswithoutpressingthe trigger on the
spraygun, 1/2 to I ounce of water is released through
the valve to coolthe unit. The small amount of water will
dripout the bottom of pump.
we recommendthatyou DO NOT siphon-yourwater sup-
ply.Connect only to householdwater supply.
• Never use the garden hose inletto siphon detergent
or wax.
• If you havethe spray nozzle too far away, the clean-
ing willnot be as effective.