foruseonlyafterit hasbeenproperiyservicedwiththe
Jfyou haveany prohbmswith the assembly of your
pressurewasher, please call the pressurewasher hempline
at 1o800o222o3136.
1. Removeeverything from carton exceptpressure washer.
2. Opencarton completely bycutting eachcorner from top
to bottom.
3. Removepressure washerfrom carton.
Checkali contents, if any parts are missing or damaged,call
the pressure washer hetplineat 1=800=222=3136.
° Main Unit
° Handle
, 6baning TankAssembly
° High PressureHose
° Spray Gun
, NozzleExtensionwith Quick ConnectFitting
* OiI Bottle
° DetergentSiphoning Hose/Fiiter
, Parts Bag (which includes the following):
o Operator's Manual
, Owner's Registration Card
, SafetyGoggles
o Gun HoiderWireform
, Bagcontaining 4 multi-colored Spray Tips
, HandleFasteningHardwareKit (whichincludes):
o CarriageBolts (2)
° "U' Bott
° Plastic Knobs (4)
° TreeClips (4)
Becomefamiiiar with eachpiecebefore assemblingthe
pressure washer. Identify aticontents with the iiiustrationon
page 6. if any parts are missing or damaged,callthe
pressure washer hetplineat 1=800=222=3136.
Your Craftsman cJeaning system wJJJneed assembJy before
1. Fiii out and send in registration card.
2. Attach handleand cleaningtank.
3. Connectdetergent siphon hoseto pump.
4. Add oii to engine crankcase.
5. Add fuel to fuet tank.
6. Connectpressure hoseto spray gun and pump.
7. Connectwater supply to pump.
8. Attach nozzleextension to spray gun.
9. Select/attachquickconnect spray tip to nozzleextension.
Attach Handle and Cleaning Tank
1. Placehandle (A) onto handb supports (B) connectedto
main unit. Make sure holes (C) in handlealign with hobs
(C) on handle supports.
NOTE:it may be necessaryto movethe handle supports
from sideto side in order to align the handle so it will slide
overthe handb supports.
2. Insert carriagebolts (A) througil holesfrom back of unit
and attacha plastic knob (B) from front of unit. Tigilten
by hand.
Placecleaningtank (B) over holes (C)on handb
(viewing from front of unit). Pushthe tree clips (A) into
the holes until they sit fiat againstthe cleaningtank.
Insert "L" bolt (A) through hole just abovecleaning tank
on right side of handle (viewingfrom front of unit). Hold
bolt in piaceand attachplastic knob (B) from inside of
unit. Tighten by hand.