faiJureto producepressure,
erratic pressure, chattering,loss
ofpressure,law water vaJume,
Detergent faib to mix with spray,
Enginerunsgood at ea=Jaadbut
"hogs" when Joadis added,
Engine wiil not start; or starts and
runs rough,
Low pressure spray tip iestalbd.
Water inlet is blocked.
3. Inadequatewater supply.
4. Inlet hose is kinked or leaking.
5. Cloggedinlet hosestrainer.
6. Water supply is over IO0°F.
7. High pressure hose is blocked or
8. Gun leaks.
9. Nozzleis obstructed.
I. Repiacewith high pressure spray tip.
2. Clearinlet.
3. Provideadequatewater flow.
4. Straighten inlet hose, patch leak.
5. Checkand clean iniet hosestrainer.
6. Providecooler water supply.
7. Clearblocks in higlspressure hoseor
8. Repiacegun.
g. Cleannozzle.
Detergentshut=off valveis in the
"Off" position.
Higil pressure spraytip installed.
Enginespeed istoo siow.
Pump is faulty. 10. ContactSearsservice faciiity
Dirty air cieaner.
Out of fuel.
Sparkpiug wire not connectedto
spark plug.
Badspark piug.
Water in fuel.
Excessiveiyrich fueI mixture.
1. Rotatedetergent shut-off valve to "On"
2. Replacewith low pressure spray tip.
Movethrottle control to FASTposition, if
engine stiii "bogs down", contact Sears
service faciiity.
I, Cleanor repiaceair cleaner.
2. Fillfuel tank.
3. Drainfuel tank; fill with fresh fuel.
4. Connectwire to spark plug.
5. Repiacespark plug.
6. Drainfuel tank; fiii with fresh fuel.
7. ContactSearsservice faciiity.
Engine shuts down daring Out of fuel. Fillfuel tank.
Engine lacks power. Dirty air filter. Replaceair filter.