4 Yellow Silenced LED - lights when the
user manually silences an alarm
condition (fire or water flow), turns off
when the condition that was silenced
is corrected.
12 [Silence] key - mutes the bell or sirens
for an alarm condition, if the system is
so configured.
5 [Disable] key - used to disable or
re‑enable inputs, NACs or relays
(outputs), and the dialer.
13 [Drill] key – used to activate the NACs
manually. It creates a history log entry
and as an option reports to the central
6 [Test] key - used to select one of seven
special test modes.
14 Yellow Supervisory LED - lights
whenever the system registers a
supervisory condition.
7 [*/Back] key - used during
programming to exit from menus or to
exit from the programming mode
15 Yellow GND Fault LED - lights
whenever the system detects a ground
fault condition.
8 [0/Prog] key – for selecting the
programming mode.
16 [Acknowledge] key to silence local
keypad sounders and to step through
the groups of off-normal conditions.
1 For test modes, see Testing, 43.
For abbreviations on the keypad and control panel, see Control Panel Display Descriptions,
FMR-7033 keypad
The FMR-7033 Keypad is an alphanumeric LCD keypad. Up to four of these keypads can be
mounted apart from the main control panel to provide additional locations for system status
and control. The LCD display and keys operate identically to those of the built-in keypad on
the control panel.
For operation, see Built-in Keypad callouts, 40.
42 en | System Operation Fire Alarm Control Panels
2012.08 | 04 | F01U008458 Installation and Operation Manual Bosch Security System, Inc.