Basic System Use
Function keys
A keypad that does not require a PIN number shows (under normal conditions) SYSTEM
NORMAL on the top line, and existing date and time on the bottom line. On a keypad that
does require a PIN number, enter the PIN number first. This enables the function keys.
Selecting menu items
Depending on which level in the system, (menu, sub-menu, sub-sub-menu), you can select an
item three different ways:
1. In the main menu, TEST, HISTORY, DISABLE, and DRILL each have an exclusive key on the
keypad. To select one of these menu items, press the corresponding key. For example, to
select TEST, press the [TEST] button.
2. The [PROG] and [ENTER] keys are not exclusive, but are shared with other characters.
The character sharing the corresponding key appears in the second line following a
forward slash (\). To select one of these items, press the corresponding key. For
example, the [PROG] key is also 0.
3. The key corresponding to a sub-menu item might appear in the second line preceding a
dash. Press the corresponding key to select that item. For example, press [1] to select
While a menu is active, you do not need to wait for the desired menu item to appear before
making your selection. You can select any item on the existing menu rotation at any time.
After a Main Menu item is selected
When a main menu item is selected, the keypad might prompt you to enter your PIN. If so,
enter the number (factory default is 9876) and press the [#/Enter] key (or press the key
labeled with the desired command directly). The display automatically retrieves the sub-menu
Returning to an earlier screen
To return to a previous screen at any time, press the [*/Back] key. To return to the SYSTEM
NORMAL display, press the [*/Back] repeatedly until you reach SYSTEM NORMAL. When you
reach SYSTEM NORMAL, you cannot go any farther.
Entering data
When a sub-menu item asks you to enter data, enter the data and press the [#/Enter] key. If
data already exists at a particular location, you can either accept that data or enter new data.
When you press the [#/Enter] key to enter the data, the display returns you to the previous
sub-menu display.
The drill command activates all NACs and no relays. It creates a history log entry and, as an
option, can be reported to the central station.
Use the disable command to disable input points, outputs, or the dialer. When any device is
disabled, the system shows this condition on the LCD and on the system trouble LED. The
Disable All Inputs operation takes several seconds to perform, during which time the system
display remains fixed.
38 en | System Operation Fire Alarm Control Panels
2012.08 | 04 | F01U008458 Installation and Operation Manual Bosch Security System, Inc.