Detectors and Accessories | Motion Long Range | 209
MX794i Long Range Multi-
plex PIR Detector
Interchangeable mirror modules
Mounting bracket supplied
Selectable sensitivity
Built-in tamper switch
The MX794i is a PIR intrusion detector that provides a
variety of coverage patterns through the use of
interchangeable mirror modules. It is designed to connect
to the Multiplex Bus of a control panel and optionally to an
auxiliary 12 VDC power source. It is compatible with
DS7400, DS7400X, or DS7400Xi Series Control Panels, with
a DS7430 or DS7436 Multiplex Expansion Module, or with
GV2 and G Series Control Panels with a D8125MUX Module
Note The DS7400 and DS7400X require ROM
version 1.07 or greater.
Interchangeable, Pointable Mirrors
The detector comes with a standard broad pattern mirror
and two optional mirrors are available: a long-range pattern
mirror and a barrier pattern mirror. To change the mirror,
just pull it out from its resting grooves. The mirrors are
adjustable from +1° to -18° vertically by sliding the mirror
forward or back and ±10° horizontally by rocking the mirror
side to side.
Selectable sensitivity
Selectable for Standard, Intermediate or High:
Standard: Tolerates environment extremes on this
setting. Not recommended for OA200 coverage.
Intermediate: The recommended setting for OA200
coverage or for locations where an intruder is expected
to cover only a small portion of the protected area.
Tolerates normal environments on this setting.
High: The setting for fast response to intruder signals.
For use in quiet environments where thermal and
illumination transients are not anticipated.
Internal Tamper Switch
The internal tamper switch sends a signal to the panel's
Multiplex Bus for display at the keypads when the
detector's cover is removed.
Certifications and Approvals
Region Certification
Europe CE 89/336/EEC, EN55022: 1998,
EN50130-4: 1995, EN60950: 2000,
EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3,
EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-3,
EN61000-4-4, EN61000-4-5,
EN61000-4-6, EN61000-4-11
USA UL ANSR: Intrusion Detection Units (UL639)
Installation/Configuration Notes
Top View
A80 Mirror Module: 24 m x 15 m (80 ft x 50 ft)
Side View
A80 Mirror Module: 24 m x 15 m (80 ft x 50 ft)
www.boschsecurity.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.