Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 2 - Contribution Equipment
en | 2-4
LBB 3533/xx and LBB 3534/xx Chairman Discussion Unit
FIG. 2-5 Discussion unit, functional adjustment using solder spot J1
2.3.1 Adjustment setting discussion units
The operational functionality of the delegate discussion units LBB 3530/xx, LBB 3531/xx and the
chairman discussion units LBB 3533/xx, LBB 3534/xx, can be set by a solder spot J1. If a flashing LED
ring is required when the speaker has only 60 seconds of speech time remaining, then the solder spot
J1 must be closed.
To locate the solder spot proceed as follows:
Refer to FIG. 2-5
• Unscrew and remove the two retaining TorX™ screws located on the underside of the unit.
• Carefully remove the units housing, and locate the printed circuit board.
• On the printed circuit board remove the loudspeaker connector
• Locate solder spot JI.
• Set the units functionally (see below).
• Once done, replace the loudspeaker connection and replace the units housing.
Solder spot J1
Open (default) : Normal operation
Closed : Microphone LED ring will begin to flash when the last 60 seconds of
speech time remains
NOTE: If J1 is ‘closed’ when the ‘Voice’ activation mode is selected, the microphone LED
ring will remain lit when speaking into the microphone.
To p
Layout of Discussion unit ‘Printed Circuit Board’
Solder spot J1