Chapter 4
Using USB sync cable
1. Connect your phone to a PC using the USB sync cable.
2. ActiveSync should detect it automatically and start synchronising. If not, on the Home screen,ActiveSync should detect it automatically and start synchronising. If not, on the Home screen,
press Start > ActiveSync.
3. Press Sync to start synchronising.
4. Press Stop to stop synchronisation before it completes.
Using Bluetooth
You can synchronise your phone with a PC using the Bluetooth wireless technology.
1. FollowtheinstructionsinActiveSyncHelponthePCforconguringBluetoothonyourPCto
support ActiveSync.
2. On the Home screen, press Start > ActiveSync.
3. Press Menu > Connect via Bluetooth. Ensure that the phone and PC are within close range.
NOTE IfthisisthersttimeyouhaveconnectedtothisPCusingBluetooth,you
must complete the Bluetooth wizard on the phone and set up a Bluetooth
partnership with the PC before synchronising. For more information about
setting up a Bluetooth partnership, see “Creating a Bluetooth partnership” in
6-4 Using Bluetooth.
4. Press Sync.
5. Whennished,pressMenu > Disconnect Bluetooth. To preserve battery power, turn off