Chapter 10
Example 2: Asking for a specic information.
1. Launch the Voice Commander and give the command.
2. The following exchange will take place:
System: “Say your command”
User: “Show John Doe at work”
System: “John Doe, work, 0229109088”
NOTE SystemwillshowJohnDoe’scontactinformation.
Example 3: The person has no contact number.
1. Launch the Voice Commander and give the command.
2. The following exchange will take place:
System: “Say your command”
User: “Show John Doe at home”
System: “John Doe has no home number”
NOTE SystemwillalsoshowJohnDoe’spersonalinformation.
Example 4: The person’s name sounds the same with that of another contact person or
persons. For example: Bryan Lee and Brian Li
1. Launch the Voice Commander and give the command.
2. The following exchange will take place:
System: “Say your command”
User: “Show Bryan Lee at work”