
Hardware Description
ARM DUI 0224F Copyright © 2003-2007 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. 3-43
For the default clock source and configuration values:
OSC0 provides the XTALCLKEXT input clock for the PLL in the ARM926EJ-S
PXP Development Chip.
The PLL output CPUCLK is used as the CPU core clock and as the input to the
HCLK divider.
HCLK is CPUCLK divided by 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on the value of
CFGHCLKDIVSEL[1:0]. HCLK is used as the SDRAM clock MPMCCLK,
and as the inputs to the MBX and SMC clock dividers.
HCLKEXT is HCLK divided by 1 to 8 depending on the value of
CFGHCLKEXTDIVSEL[2:0]. HCLKEXT is the reference clock for the
external part of the AMBA bridges M1, M2, and S. This clock is the feedback
clock for the PLL, therefore the frequency of HCLKEXT is the same as that of
Setting the clock frequencies involves trade-offs between CPU performance, bus
performance, MBX performance, and memory access time. The clocks must also be
within their operational limits, see Clock rate restrictions on page B-5.
The AHB bridges operate in synchronous mode by default. The internal part of the AHB
bridge is clocked by HCLK and external part of the bridge is clocked by HCLKEXT.
HCLKEXT is the feedback to the PLL, so the HCLKEXT frequency is the same as
the PLL reference frequency XTALCLKEXT.
CPUCLK is generated by multiplying the reference XTALCLKEXT by the
HCLKDIV and HCLKEXTDIV values. For example, if XTALCLKEXT is 20MHz,
HCLKDIV is 3, and HCLKDIV is 3, the frequency of CPUCLK is 20*3*3 or 180MHz.
Selecting the values for HCLKDIV and HCLKEXTDIV must result in values for
CPUCLK, HCLK and HCLKEXT that are within their maximum frequency ranges.
Example of changing the CPU and bus clock frequencies
Use the following steps to set the external AMBA bus clock to 35MHz, the CPUCLK
rate to 210MHz, and the internal AMBA bus and SDRAM frequency to 70MHz:
The external AMBA bus clock is at the same frequency as the XTALCLKEXT
signal, so OSC0 must be set to 35MHz. This requires that the SYS_OSC0 register
is loaded with
This sets the Divide Select bits to
(divide by 10), the Reference Divider bits
(divide by 24), and the VCO Divider bits to
(multiply by
175). See ICS307 programmable clock generators on page 3-48 and Oscillator
registers, SYS_OSCx on page 4-23 for details on programming OSC0.