Help Commands
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/ex/fanx show
This command shows the information about the specified fan element /fanx in
the specified enclosure /ex. The fan name is followed by its status. If a fan is
on and no fault has been detected, the status would indicate OK.
//localhost> /e0/fan0 show
Fan Status
fan0 OK
/ex/tempx show
This command shows the information about the specified temperature sensor
element /fanx in the specified enclosure /ex. The temperature sensor name is
followed by the temperature sensed in the enclosure unit.
//localhost> /e0/temp0 show
TempSensor Temperature
temp0 24~C(75~F)
Help Commands
The Help commands provides brief on-line help.
You can get overview help by typing Help at the top-level prompt. This
displays a brief definition of commands. (For an example, see the discussion
of the command “help” on page 93.)
You can also get help with specific commands, by entering help before an
object name, or by typing a question mark (?) at the point in a command
where you are uncertain what the attributes are.
Help with specific commands
If you enter the help command at the top level, you are considered to be in the
Shell Object, and the help command will provide help on the Shell commands
focus, show, flush, rescan, and commit. Using the help command on objects
(such as /cx, /cx/ux, /cx/px, /cx/bbu, /ex, /ex/slotx, /ex/fanx, and /ex/tempx),
displays all possible sub-commands associated with the object.
For example: help on the controller object /cx, will display all the sub-
commands associated with the controller /cx, like this: