Syntax Overview
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Syntax Overview
The command syntax uses the general form:
Object Command Attributes
Objects are shell commands, controllers, units, ports (drives), BBUs (battery
backup units), and enclosures.
Commands can either select (show, get, present, read) attributes or alter (add,
change, set, write) attributes.
Enable/disable autoverify /cx/ux set autoverify 68
Identify all drives that make up a
unit by blinking associated LEDs
/cx/ux set identify 64
Port Tasks
Locate drive by blinking an LED /cx/px set identify 81
Check if LED is set to on or off /cx/px show identify 78
View information for specific drive /cx/px show 77
View the status of specific drive /cx/px show status 78
BBU Tasks
Check on charge and condition of
/cx/bbu/ show status 83
Start a test of the battery
/cx/bbu test [quiet] 86
Enclosure Tasks
View information about an
/ex show 87
Locate a particular drive slot in an
enclosure by blinking an LED
/ex/slotx set identify 90
Table 5: Common Tasks Mapped to CLI Commands
Task CLI Command Page