QSR Reference Manual 1
Thank you for purchasing the Alesis QSR 64 Voice Expandable Synthesizer Module.
To take full advantage of the QSR’s functions, and to enjoy long and trouble-free use,
please read this user’s manual carefully.
How To Use This Manual
This manual is divided into the following sections describing the various modes of
the QSR. To get the most out of your QSR, read the entire manual once, then use the
table of contents and index to reference specific functions while using the instrument.
Chapter 1: Setting Up.
Deals with the necessary preparation before playing,
including connections to external devices.
Chapter 2: Your First Session. This section provides a brief tour of the QSR, shows
you how to audition the various sounds of the QSR, and points out the various
performance features.
Chapter 3: Connections. Details rear panel connections (like MIDI, footpedals and
the serial interface), proper hook-up procedures, plus application examples.
Chapter 4: Overview. Covers the structure of sound sources within the QSR, how to
read and navigate through the LCD display pages, how to edit parameters, and how
to store edited Programs and Mixes.
Chapter 5: Editing Mixes. Explains how to create and edit Mixes.
Chapter 6: Editing Programs. How to create and edit Programs.
Chapter 7: Editing Effects. How to create and edit Effects Patches.
Chapter 8: Global Settings. Describes all global functions, such as Master Tuning
and Program Change Mode.
Chapter 9: MIDI Transfer and Storage Operations. Discusses MIDI functions and
how to store sounds either to a MIDI device or to a RAM card.
Appendices. MIDI basics, trouble-shooting, maintenance and service information,
MIDI Implementation Chart and an Index.
The buttons, knobs, and rear panel connectors and switches are referred to in this
manual just as their names appear on the QSR, using all capital letters and in
brackets (Example: [PROG] button, [
] buttons,
[VALUE] knob, etc.).
When something important appears in the manual, an icon (like the one on the left) will
appear in the left margin. This symbol indicates that this information is vital when operating
the QSR.
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