Editing Effects: Chapter 7
QSR Reference Manual 15
The Lezlie function is only available in Configuration #s 3 and 5. The Lezlie
parameters found in Configuration 3 include: Motor (on/off), Speed (fast/slow), and
Horn Level (-6 to +6 db). In addition to these, the Lezlie found in Configuration #6
also provides 3 additional parameters: Input 1, Input 2 and Input 1 & 2 Balance. The
Lezlie in Configuration #3 takes its input from the Send 1 signal. In Configuration 5,
the Lezlie can receive a combination of two inputs, which can be assigned to a variety
of sources.
Motor (On/Off) Page 1 (Config. 3) or Page 4 (Config. 5)
This determines whether the Lezlie is operating or not. When turned on, the rotating
speaker effect slowly starts up. When turned off, the effect slowly dies down until a
complete stop. When using this parameter as a Mod Destination (see above), be sure
to set it opposite of the Mod Level. Example: If the Mod Source is a footswitch and the
level is at +100, set the Motor to “OFF” so that the footswitch turns on the motor
when pressed and turns off the motor when released.
Speed (Slow/Fast) Page 2 (Config. 3) or Page 5 (Config. 5)
This determines the speed the rotating effect “spins”.
Horn Level (-6 to +6 dB) Page 3 (Config. 3) or Page 6 (Config. 5)
This allows you to cut or boost the high frequency signal from the Lezlie effect from -
6 to +6 dB, in 1 dB increments.
Input 1 & 2 Pages 1 & 2 (Config. 5 only)
Pages 1 and 2 of the Lezlie effect found in Configuration #5 lets you select from two
possible input sources. Input 1 sources include: Reverb Output and Delay Output.
Input 2 sources include: Send 1 – 4, Overdrive Output, Pitch Input, Pitch Output,
Delay Input and Reverb Input.
Input Balance (<99 to <0> to 99>) Page 3 (Config. 5 only)
This parameter controls the Balance between the Input 1 and Input 2 signals going
into the Lezlie effect. When set to “<99”, only the signal coming from Input 1 is
routed to the Lezlie. When set to “99>”, only the signal coming from Input 2 is
routed to the Lezlie. When set to “<0>”, an even mix of both Input 1 and Input 2 are
fed to the Lezlie.