5 Program Charts
6 Loudness Plus This curve approximates what happens when you press the
“Boost” button on some consumer-level stereo equipment. It
makes for a nicely balanced sound when listening at low levels.
7 Techno This setting emphasizes the extremes to get the dancing bodies
really moving.
8 Comb Filter - 125 Hz Feed a signal into it that contains 125 Hz and it will really
emphasize that frequency.
A: Kick
B: Snare
Link=Off. Feed Ch. A a kick drum for thump, beater tap, and to
reduce hollowness. Ch. B reduces low end to separate the snare
and kick and also reduces hollowness.
A: Bass Guitar
B: Acoustic Guitar
Link=Off. Gets you in the ballpark for bass and guitar, but your
results may vary--make adjustments as needed.
A: Male Vocal
B: Female Vocal
These generally fit the physics of male and female voices. The
low end is reduced to avoid unwanted rumble and the high end is
emphasized for increased intelligibility.