3 Basics of Equalization
Basic operation: Edit mode
If you're not already there, exit to Program mode by using the
[LINK/EXIT] button. Then select program 00 on the DEQ230
by pressing the [DOWN] and [UP] buttons at the same time.
Program 00 is a "flat" program, and it's easy to see why it's called
that: the gain setting for every band is 0 dB. Calling up this
program is almost the same as pressing the Bypass button, in that
the audio passing through the unit will not be equalized in any way.
Of course, the difference is that you can edit the program and hear
the changes that you make. If you don't already know what kind
of EQ you're looking for, this may be a good place to start.
Single Band Edit
Pressing a [BAND SELECT] button puts the DEQ230 into Edit
mode. The Numeric LED Display will change from the current
program number to the gain value in decibels (dB) of the band
you just selected. In addition, one of the Band Gain LEDs above
that [BAND SELECT] button will start blinking. If the gain
value of that band is 0 dB, the green LED will blink. This means
there is no gain change occurring in this frequency range. If it is
higher or lower than that, one of the yellow LEDs will blink. This
indicates that some amount of cut or boost is happening.
Use the [DOWN/UP] buttons to change the gain value of that
band. The [DOWN] button will lower the gain value, or "cut" the
chosen frequency; the [UP] button will raise the gain value, or
"boost" the frequency. Pressing both the [DOWN] and [UP]
buttons at the same time will reset the gain value of the frequency
to 0dB. There is an overall range of +/- 12 dB of gain change
Band Solo
The DEQ230 has a handy feature called Band Solo that allows you
to “isolate” a given frequency while you are editing. This can help
you determine exactly which band you need to highlight or de-
emphasize. It’s simple to do:
1. Select a band by pressing and holding its [BAND SELECT]
2. Press the [UP] button. You’ll see the LED for that band
jump to +12 dB.
3. Press the [DOWN] button. The LED for that band will
jump to –12 dB.
4. Release the [BAND SELECT] button and the value of that
band will be unchanged.
This only works with one band at a time, but you’ll find it to be a
very helpful feature.
To exit Edit mode, press the [LINK/EXIT] button. This will
return the DEQ230 to Program mode. The same thing will
happen if you de-select the single band you have selected.
Use Program 00 if you want to
start with a “clean slate” and
build a new program from the
ground up.
fter resetting a band’s value,
ou can change the level of
that band in 2 dB increments if
ou hold one of the
] buttons and
ress the opposite button
repeatedly. This can help you
set up a curve with greater
accuracy and speed.
f the Numeric LED Display
shows “Li” when you press
BAND SELECT] buttons on
Channel B, it means the
channels are linked. Either
make the edits on Channel A,
or return to Program mode
and press [LINK/EXIT] to
unlink the channels.