Remember: In keeping potential problems to a minimum, it is always a good idea
to try to keep some distance between your pad or drum kit, and nearby speaker
cabinets (especially bass cabinets). Whenever possible, try to aim them so they
are not facing directly towards your set up. Also, avoid unsteady drum risers and
To compensate for differences in transducer outputs, the gain for each trigger can be
set independently.
1. The third Ext Trig page shows two parameters. Example:
As with the other screens, the cursor buttons move between the two parameters.
The Trig parameter is identical to the one on the first two Ext Trig pages, and
allows you to select different Trigger inputs for editing.
2. After selecting the desired Trigger whose gain needs to be set, place the cursor
under the GAIN parameter.
3. Turn the Data wheel to select the desired amount of gain (00 is minimum gain, 99
maximum gain).