Program Change commands can change Drum Sets at any time, including while the
D4 is playing. A Program Change Table (section 4.5) determines which Drum Set
will be called up in response to a particular Program Change number. The default is
Program Changes 00-20 call up Drum Sets 00-20; so do Program Changes 21-41,
42-62, 63-83, 84-104, and 105 to 125. 126 calls up Drum Set 00, and 127 calls up
Drum Set 01.
Caution: Some MIDI devices number Program Changes as 1-128, others as 0-127,
and some as banks of programs. Use the Program Change Table to compensate for
these differences.
1. The top line of the third page shows the Program Change status. Example:
2. Make sure the cursor is under the Program Change status.
3. Use the Data wheel to select a status of On (the D4 selects Drum Sets when it
receives Program Change commands) or Off (the D4 ignores Program Change
commands). Note that even with status set to On, you can still select Drum Sets
manually at any time.
The D4 can respond to several standardized MIDI controllers appearing at the D4’s
MIDI In jack:
6 Data Slider (0-127) This allows an external data slider assigned to controller
6 to vary values, just as if you were using the Data wheel.
7 Main Volume (0-127) Controller 7 messages set the D4’s master volume.
Note that this is independent of velocity settings. With many D4 sounds,
velocity affects the sound’s timbre, so lowering velocity to change the level
may affect the timbre. Controller 7 messages alter the overall volume of the
entire kit without affecting any sound’s timbre.
96 Data Increment (0 or 127) Send any value for this controller and the
currently-selected parameter’s value will increment by one.
97 Data Decrement (0 or 127) Send any value for this controller and the
currently-selected parameter’s value will decrement by one.
98 Non-Registered Parameter MSB (0-127) This allows for remote control
editing of virtually all parameters via continuous controller messages. The
controller value selects the parameter to be edited. The data entry slider can
then change the parameter’s value. The controller/data slider messages can
be recorded into a sequencer to allow for complex, sequenced parameter