Chapter 3: Testing Performance
Test Record
You can record the results of the performance tests in the Performance Test Record
provided at the end of this chapter. The Performance Test Record lists the performance
tests and provides an area to mark test results. You can use the results recorded at
incoming inspection for later comparisons during periodic maintenance,
troubleshooting, and after repairs or adjustments.
Operating Hints
Some knowledge of operating the oscilloscope is helpful; however, these procedures are
written so that little experience is necessary. The following two hints will speed progress
of the testing.
Clear Display
When using many averages, it often takes awhile for a waveform display to stabilize after
a change. When a control on the oscilloscope is changed, averaging automatically
restarts. When just the input signal is changed, the instrument must average new data
with the old so it takes longer for the waveform to stabilize.
Press the Clear Display key while changing input signals. The instrument will restart
averaging and give a quick indication of the result of the signal change.
Averaging is used to assure a stable signal for measurements. It is not necessary to wait
for complete stability of the signal (averaging complete), as long as the measurement is
well within the limits of the test.
The specifications that apply to a particular test are given with the test procedure. The
specification as given with the test may be abbreviated for clarity. In case of any
questions, refer to the complete specifications and characteristics in chapter 1, “General
Performance Test Procedures
Performance test procedures start with the next paragraph. Procedures may be done
individually and in any order.
Let the Instrument Warm Up Before Testing
Allow the instrument to warm up for at least 30 minutes prior to beginning performance tests. Failure to
allow warm-up may cause the instrument to fail tests.