Chapter 2: Preparing for Use
To verify basic oscilloscope operation
To verify basic oscilloscope operation
1 Connect an oscilloscope probe to channel 1.
2 Attach the probe to the calibration output on the front panel of the oscilloscope.
Use a probe grabber tip so you do not need to hold the probe. The calibration output is marked
with a square wave symbol.
Press the Default Setup key on the front panel.
The display will pause momentarily while the oscilloscope is configured to its default settings.
4 Press the Autoscale key on the front panel.
The display will pause momentarily while the oscilloscope adjusts the sweep speed and vertical
scale. You should then see a squarewave with peak-to-peak amplitude approximately 5 divisions
and a period of almost 3 divisions. If you do not see the waveform, ensure your power source is
adequate, the oscilloscope is properly powered-on, and the probe is connected securely to the
front-panel channel input BNC and to the probe calibration output.
Move the mouse pointer to the graphical interface enable button and click once.
The graphical interface enable button is in the upper-right corner of the display.
6 Move the mouse around the mouse pad and verify that the pointer follows on the
If the pointer does not move, ensure that the mouse is properly connected, that you have clicked
the correct button to enable the graphical interface, and that the mouse is on a medium-friction
surface such as the mouse pad supplied with the oscilloscope.
Graphical Interface Enable Button
With the mouse pointer on
the right-hand button, click
the mouse to enable the
graphical interface