User Manual 88 Y1-03-0203 Rev.L
Battery is soon out
of capacity
Reaction: Own ship data is lost after powering on/off the system.
Remedy: consider to contact Technical Support for additional help
Conditions for
enabling 1 Watt
TX power are not
Reaction: Conditions for enabling 1 Watt TX power are not valid.
This means that:
the speed is >3kn and / or
the navigational status is NOT moored / at anchor and / or
Check the conditions (SOG, Navstat, Shiptype)
if GPS is valid ( a invalid GPS causes also this alarm)
asked to enter a valid MMSI. As long as this is not done, the system
does not transmit.
Remedy: Enter a valid MMSI
5.3 Text Messages
Reaction of the System / Remedy
Reaction: the transponder unit continues operation using indirect or
semaphore synchronisation
Check GPS Antenna for AIS.
AIS: external DGNSS in
Reaction: Positioning is fully operational
Remedy: no action required
AIS: external GNSS in
Reaction: The transponder unit continues operation using the position
data from a GNSS receiver
Remedy: no action required
AIS: internal DGNSS in
use (beacon) 023
Reaction: The transponder unit uses position data from the internal
source. The internal GNSS receiver is capable of processing DGNSS
Remedy: no action required
AIS: internal DGNSS in
use (message 17)
AIS: internal GNSS in
additional to Alarm
ID 25
Reaction: The transponder unit continues operation using the position
data from the internal GPS.
Check the sensor and the cabling; Check if the system that delivers the
data is working; Check the baud rate settings of the sensor input
AIS: external SOG/COG
in use
Reaction: COG/SOG is in full operation
Remedy: no action required
AIS: internal SOG/COG
in use
additional to Alarm
ID 29 or ID 30
Reaction: The transponder unit continues operation using the data from
the internal GPS.
Check the sensor and the cabling; Check if the system that delivers the
data is working; Check the baud rate settings of the sensor inputs
Reaction: Heading is in full operation
Remedy: no action required
AIS: Rate of Turn
Indicator in use
Reaction: A Rate Of Turn indicator is connected and in full operation
Remedy: no action required
AIS: Other ROT source
in use
Reaction: The transponder unit is operating with ROT data rather than
with TIROT data - therefore the AIS only differs between
+ 127 (turning right at 720 degrees per minute or higher) and
127 (turning left at 720 degrees per minute or higher)
5.4 Restarting the NAUTICAST
The NAUTICAST could be restarted during operation by pressing the keys
other ships again because of their reporting interval.