User Manual 25 Y1-03-0203 Rev.L
Confirm Message
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Writing Messages:
This screen provides a means to write and send messages.
It is possible to select between an Addressed Message to a single selected vessel, and a Broadcast
Message, which is sent out to all vessels in the current Vessel Listing.
Message Inboxes:
The Inbox History gives an overview of all incoming messages. The Inboxes are further divided into
3 sections, allowing the user to see, and act upon specific Message Types.
1.3 Inbox History: Overview of all Messages, Alarms and LRI Interrogations
1.4 Inbox SRM: Listing all Safety Related Messages (SRM)
1.6 Inbox LRI: Listing of all Long Range Interrogations (LRI)
Message Storage Capacity:
The Inbox History has the capacity to store a total of 60 messages. The older messages are
automatically deleted, when the respective Inbox has reached its maximum storage capacity.
Message Type: Maximum Storage Capacity:
Addressed or Broadcast Messages (SRM): Latest 30 Messages stored
Alarms (ALR): Latest 20 stored
Long Range Interrogation (LRI): Latest 10 stored
a) Writing an Addressed Message
To write a Safety Related Message first select an addressee from the Vessel Listing. This is possible
by using the cursor buttons [Up] and [Down], and confirming the selection with [Enter] or [Select].
Tip: For fast Vessel Selection press the Vessel Number on the keyboard and the selected vessel is
immediately displayed.
N 1
26' E 0
20' |1>0.10|2>1.30|3>1.80nm
************ Write Message *************
1>DOREEN-------> N/A 22.2 301.5 DORET6W
2>FINE EAGLE--->0.00 13.1 359.9 OEX1538
3>SYLVAEPSILON->0.10 32.1 203.2 ND4RX
4>ESSOTOKYO---->0.43 10.0 120.3 ZA9A
5>OLYMPIAHIGHWA>0.59 21.2 50.0 3FSH4
6>SANEI-------->0.80 32.1 270.1 YJQX9
7>KATOO-------->1.00 21.2 200.8 A4F317
9>MINILOG------>1.96 21.7 102.2 FOR6
10>ALIBRAHIMYA->2.66 22.1 30.3 DEZ42
11>TITANIC----->2.75 N/A N/A FSG >
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