X1160 Series/X1260 Series/X1160Z Series/X1260K Refresh Condential
- If not re-adjust by the following steps:
(1) Select "Frequency" function to adjust the
total pixel number of pixel clock in one line
(2) Select "Tracking" function and use right or
left arrow key to adjust the value to minimize
video icker.
- Adjust Resync or Frequency/Tracking/H.
Position/V. Position to the inner screen.
Inspection item - Eliminate visul wavy noise by Rsync, Frequency
or Tracking selction.
- Check if there is noise on the screen.
- Horizontal and vertical position of the vedio
should be adjustable to the screen frame.
Criteria - If there is noise on the screen, the product is
considered as faliure product.
- If there is noise on the screen, use auto or
manul “frequency” function or “tracking” function
to adjust the screen.
- The PC mode functionally sure be workable
include support format with frequency and auto
detected functional will be workable.
2. Light Leak
Procedure - Test equipment: video generator.
- Test signal: analog 1024x768@60Hz
- Test Pattern: gray 10 patterns
- Check if the light leaks.
* Light leak on reective edge, eyecatcher, bond-
wires and exposed metal.
Inspection item - Light leak check.
- Bright blemish (dirty).
Criteria - The bright blemish is unacceptable when it is
more than four under gray 10 pattern
- Ref. below table
Note: The defect criteria follows TI specication.
3. Blemish (Dark)
Gray 10
Blue 60