X1160 Series/X1260 Series/X1160Z Series/X1260K Refresh Conî‚¿dential
4-4 Test Condition
- Circumstance brightness: Dark room less than 5.0 lux.
- Inspection distance: 1.8m~2.5m functional inspection.
- Screen size: 60 inches diagonal
- After repairing each X1160/X1260/X1160 Refresh/X1260 Refresh/X1160Z/X1160Z
Refresh/X1260K Refresh, the unit should be run-in (refer to the table below)
Symptom Run-in Time
Normal repair 2 hours
NFF 4 hours
Auto shutdown 6 hours
- Enter Burn-In Mode
* Cycle setting is based on the defect symptoms. ie: If it is NFF, the run-in time is 4 hours. You have
to set the lamp on for 50 min. and lamp off for 10 min for 4 cycles.
Press power > left > left > Menu
Choose Burn-In Test > enter
Lamp On (Min) Press right key to adjust the time (50)
Lamp Off (Min) Press right key to adjust the time (10)
Set burn in cycle Press right key to adjust the cycle
After setting up the time, choose Burn-In mode and hit enter
Screen Defects (While replacing DMD Chip, DMD Board and Main Board)