
7-4 AcerRouter 700 Series User Guide
"Phone number or data service type seems to be incorrect"
The call has been answered, but the data conversation is not correct.
"Phone number or data service type seems to be incorrect"
After an "Apply and Test" button is pressed, the AcerRouter detected a problem with
either the configured remote phone number or the ISDN data service type (56K or
64K B channel data rate).
"Phone number seems to be incorrect"
A modem call has been answered, but the peer does not speak PPP.
"Phone number up to 30, limit characters to 123456789,;-[]!*#"
The ISDN phone number field has been configured incorrectly. Up to 30 characters
may be entered. Only the numbers from 0 to 9, and the characters "[", "]", ",", ";", "-"
and "!" may be entered.
"Placing modem call. Please wait..."
The router is now in the process of contacting the remote site.
"Problem detect with physical ISDN line connection"
The ISDN line is either not ativated or not synchronized. You should check your
ISDN line for proper connection, or contact your ISDN Service Provider if the ISDN
connection to the router is correct.
"Remote phone number is unspecified"
This message is displayed when no remote phone number is provided in a profile
where it is required for the completion of the configuration.
"Remote site has incompatible configuration, see manual"
The remote site is expecting a different protocol configuration. Make sure the
configured protocol matches the destination, and verify the destination phone number
with your ISP.
"Resetting system, please wait..."
The message is displayed when the router is in the process of resetting. You can logon
to the router after about 30 seconds.
"Save configuration succeeded"
The AcerRouter configuration was saved to flash memory successfully.
"Search entry exists"
The IP route being added already exists.
"Search fail"