7-2 AcerRouter 700 Series User Guide
"Destination not currently reachable"
Either the phone line is not operational, or the destination is busy or doesn’t answer.
"Directory number 1 is unspecfied"
Directory numbers 1 and 2 (the ISDN telephone numbers) are required in order to
configure the ISDN port or Voice Adapter successfully.
"Directory number B1 and B2 can not be the same"
This message is displayed when directory number 1 and 2 are configured with the
same telephone number.
"Disconnecting... Please wait"
This message is displayed whenever the link is in the process of disconnecting.
"Download firmware, please wait (2 minutes)..."
System is downloading new firmware. It takes about two minutes to complete the
"Duplicate extension number"
A duplicate extension number or a duplicate SpeedDial number is entered.
"Encryption key is a hex number up to 16 digits"
A valid encrytion key may only contain hexadecimal numbers, (0-9, a-f) and may be
up to 16 digits in length, depending upon the strength of encryption licensed for the
router site.
"Embedded HTTP server has been disabled. Only console can
configure the system"
The message is displayed when remote management has been disabled in the
command line interface. You will not be able to configure or view configuration from
HTTP interface. You can only configure the system in command line interface using
"Error: File Invalid"
The firmware file entered is either missing or invalid.
"Fail to disconnect. Link is unconfigured"
An attempt was mad to "Disconnect" an unconfigured interface.
"Link is Disconnected"
This message is displayed after disconnecting modem link operation is completed.
"Link is already disconnected"