Chapter 51: Spanning Tree Commands
This section includes commands that configure the Spanning Tree Algorithm (STA)
globally for the switch, and commands that configure STA for the selected interface.
Table 51-1 Spanning Tree Commands
Command Function Mode Page
spanning-tree Enables the spanning tree protocol GC 51-2
spanning-tree mode Configures STP, RSTP or MSTP mode GC 51-2
spanning-tree forward-time Configures the spanning tree bridge forward time GC 51-3
spanning-tree hello-time Configures the spanning tree bridge hello time GC 51-4
spanning-tree max-age Configures the spanning tree bridge maximum age GC 51-4
spanning-tree priority Configures the spanning tree bridge priority GC 51-5
path-cost method
Configures the path cost method for RSTP/MSTP GC 51-6
Configures the transmission limit for RSTP/MSTP GC 51-7
Changes to MSTP configuration mode GC 51-7
mst vlan Adds VLANs to a spanning tree instance MST 51-8
mst priority Configures the priority of a spanning tree instance MST 51-9
name Configures the name for the multiple spanning tree MST 51-9
revision Configures the revision number for the multiple spanning
MST 51-10
max-hops Configures the maximum number of hops allowed in the
region before a BPDU is discarded
MST 51-11
Disables spanning tree for an interface IC 51-11
spanning-tree cost Configures the spanning tree path cost of an interface IC 51-12
spanning-tree port-priority Configures the spanning tree priority of an interface IC 51-13
spanning-tree edge-port Enables fast forwarding for edge ports IC 51-13
spanning-tree portfast Sets an interface to fast forwarding IC 51-14
spanning-tree link-type Configures the link type for RSTP/MSTP IC 51-15
spanning-tree mst cost Configures the path cost of an instance in the MST IC 51-16
spanning-tree mst
Configures the priority of an instance in the MST IC 51-17
Re-checks the appropriate BPDU format PE 51-17
show spanning-tree Shows spanning tree configuration for the common
spanning tree (i.e., overall bridge), a selected interface, or
an instance within the multiple spanning tree
PE 51-18
show spanning-tree mst
Shows the multiple spanning tree configuration PE 51-20