show interfaces switchport
VLAN membership mode Indicates membership mode as Trunk or Hybrid (page 52-8).
Ingress rule Shows if ingress filtering is enabled or disabled (page 52-9).
Acceptable frame type Shows if acceptable VLAN frames include all types or tagged frames only
(page 52-9).
Native VLAN Indicates the default Port VLAN ID (page 52-10).
Priority for untagged traffic Indicates the default priority for untagged frames (page 55-3).
GVRP status Shows if GARP VLAN Registration Protocol is enabled or disabled (page 52-2).
Allowed VLAN Shows the VLANs this interface has joined, where “(u)” indicates untagged and
“(t)” indicates tagged (page 52-11).
Forbidden VLAN Shows the VLANs this interface can not dynamically join via GVRP
(page 52-12).
802.1Q-tunnel Status Indicates the QinQ tunneling status on the switch (page 52-14).
802.1Q-tunnel Mode Indicates the QinQ tunneling mode of the port (page 52-14).
802.1Q-tunnel TPID Indicates the QinQ tunneling ethertype set on the port (page 52-15).
Table 45-2 show interfaces switchport - display description (Continued)
Field Description