Dr. Eggman is up to his old tricks again.
And Sonic is right there to stop him!
“Hey Eggman! What have you got planned this time?”
“Hah! Do you think I’m going to tell you that?”
After an exchange of blows, Eggman hastily retreats leaving behind a
mysterious Emerald, quite unlike the Chaos Emeralds.
As Sonic goes to pick it up, it is whisked from under his very nose.
“And that's the second one…”
Mutters the unfamiliar figure of a lady, before quickly vanishing.
“What was THAT about?”
Muses Sonic, as he takes off again on another exciting adventure.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Foot loose and fancy free, his only
gripe is with evildoers. He’s sometimes
quick to anger, but will always lend a
helping hand when somebody's in
trouble. There's no stopping the
world's fastest supersonic hedgehog!
Blaze the Cat
As guardian of the Sol Emeralds, she's currently
hot on the trail of Dr. Eggman who's made off
with them. Blaze is normally calm and level-
headed, but may be concealing her real feelings.
Devoted to her position, she sometimes gets
bogged down by her own strict discipline,
which may explain why she seems a little
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