[ 12 ] Pelco Manual C519M-D (7/00)
Table F. Operating Scan Functions with Various Receivers
Receiver Controlling Auto Random Frame
Model Protocol Scan Scan Scan Scan
15-bit 97 97
(standard) Preset Preset N/A (2)
(1) (3) (1)
98 Preset
IRD2024 Extended or 97
ERD2200 Coaxitron 99 Preset Preset Preset
All Spectra
Ext. Coax.,
99 97 98
All Esprit
Serial Pelco
Preset Preset Preset
N/A Preset
P or D or PTZ
LRD41C Ext. Coax., 99 99
(before Serial Pelco Preset Preset N/A N/A
ver. 2.98) P or D (1) (3) (1)
LRD41C Ext. Coax., 99
97 96
(ver 2.98 Serial Pelco Preset
and later) P or D (3)
ERD97P21-U Serial Pelco P N/A 97 Preset 98 Preset N/A 96 Preset
(1) First entry starts random scan, next entry changes to auto scan, etc.
(2) Enter dwell time (5-64 sec.) and press IRIS CLOSE.
(3) Changes to random scan after 30 minutes.
Scanning Functions
Operation of the scanning functions depends on the kind of receiver or pan/tilt mechanism you have and
the operating mode of your keyboard (CM6700 or Direct Mode).
There are four types of scanning functions: auto (moves camera back and forth between stops), random
(moves camera in a random pattern), frame (moves camera back and forth in 10 degree steps), and preset
(sequences camera through all programmed presets, pausing between each).
Operate scans according to Table F.
Programming Limit Stops
Spectra and Esprit can be programmed for scan and manual limit stops.
Program left limit before programming right limit. Locate camera at desired limit. Enter the set code from
Table G. Hold the PRESET key for two seconds. In CM6700 Mode, a label appears on the monitor. Use
F1 and F2 to edit the label, then select SET and press ACK.
To cancel all limit stops, enter 95. Hold the preset key for two seconds. Use the up down tilt keys to move
the pointer to Other. Press IRIS OPEN. Move the pointer to Limit Stops. Press IRIS OPEN. Use the tilt
keys to change limit stops to off. Press IRIS OPEN. Move the pointer to EXIT. Press IRIS OPEN. Move
pointer to exit. Press IRIS OPEN.
Table G. Limit Set Codes
Direction Scan Limit Manual Limit
Left Limit 92 90
Right Limit 93 91